Monday, March 16, 2020

Passing Drills In Volleyball Phoenix

Today, we will be reviewing passing drills in volleyball. OTL Volleyball is a Phoenix volleyball club that believes in teaching and training which leads to great performances. Here are the three P s of passing , Posture, Platform and Position. The first P in Passing a volleyball starts with Posture . We put the player in a low athletic posture with her feet shoulder width apart and her knees slightly over her toes. Now, we bring her platform together right in front of her at a 45-degree angle to the ground. That s athletic posture and passing posture. The second P in passing is her “Platform”. We bring her hands together making sure that her thumbs and her wrist are nice and tight and in line. Her shoulders are rounded out and pressing forward having her arms out in front of her so that you are passing the volleyball away from your body. When you are a passing you want to make sure you are moving as much as possible except for when you about to pass the ball on contact. She is keeping her weight forward so she can move to the left or to the right. The third P in passing is “Position”. The player gets into passing position and every ball she takes is going to be mid-line. This is her best most controlled pass. To find out more about our program, contact us today, we d love to hear from you! OTL Volleyball 18833 N. 36th Place Phoenix, AZ 85050 602-908-2463

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